Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fire and Ice

Our church put on a Labor Day event called Fire and Ice! It was a blast! There were 30 bouncers, free ice cream and snow cones, water games, and even an ice skating rink the heat! It was neat! The kids were excited beyond words! Carlee started out in a stroller, but decided it would be way cooler if she could run! It was a mess trying to keep track of her and Peyton, who decided he didn't like to wait in lines, so he was cutting in front of everyone! Carlee stayed on the Tinkerbell bouncer the longest! She thought she was big girl! At the end of the night, there were awesome fireworks! Carlee had never seen them before....she was scared at the first bomb and ran to her mommy's lap! It was cute. She had the biggest eyes ever. Every now and then she would say "O"! I don't think we were out of the parking lot and both kids were passed out!
We met up with Harli and Cody. Peyton really enjoys playing with them! In case you haven't read the past post on Harli, she is Peyton's future wife. The whole night she yelled, "Chase me Peyton" in this cute little voice!

Carlee and Kaela hanging out!

Carlee enjoyed not 1 but "2" Snow Cones!!

Watching Fireworks!

Friday Date Night

Dave and I had the opportunity to go to an Arizona Cardinals. We originally thought we had a suite, but we got even better....we were 3rd row in the Red Zone. We were so close! It was amazing to see all the HUGE players up close! It was an exciting experience! Of course we would have loved it more if the Colts were playing instead, but I guess the Cardinals would be our second choice:)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Swim Party

We had a Swim Party with our Small Group today! We had a really good time! We didn't get to take Carlee with us; she woke up with a fever and threw up everywhere! Not good! We missed her being the life of the party. Anyway we had invited our new friends Andy and Kaela and their two kids. What an adorable family! They are the type of people that you meet and you just know you will hit it off with! We have such a good time together! I look forward to getting to know them better and spending more time with them!
I'd like to introduce you to Peyton's future wife. Her name is Harli. She is the daughter of Andy and Kaela. She adores Peyton! They are so cute to watch play. Harli is such a sweet and cute girl!

This is Harli! Isn't she a cutie??

This is Harli and her Mommy Kaela

Andy, Kaela, Cody, and Harli

The waterfall was a huge hit!

The hot tub was the happening place too! Although, he wasn't that hot!

A Date with Daddy

Last Saturday Dave took Peyton to see Star Wars Clone Wars! Peyton did such a good job the first week of school that he was rewarded with a day with Daddy. He chose to go to the "moobie" (Movie) Theatre. That had such a good time. Dave said Peyton was overwhelmed and couldn't believe what was going on! I wish I could have seen his excitement!

Who me?!?! I know I'm Cute!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Precious Moments

Tonight I was not feeling that great, so I went to lay on my bed and try to rest. This was right after dinner, which we usually do bath time. Dave said he would take care of it so I could rest! Love that! Anyway....shortly after I hear lots of screaming. Too exhausted and sick to go see what's going on....I over hear Dave saying that the kids wanted bubbles, but Dave said no. That threw both kids into a full blown fit. Needless to say bath time was cut short and he brought Carlee in to me to say good night to. I grabbed her and laid her beside me. Dave said that he was putting her to bed and she screamed "No Nite Nite". I know you are probably thinking, the title of this blog said Precious Moments....what's so precious about that! Well, it was the next 45 minutes that I will forever hold dear to my heart. Carlee wanted to lay with me in the dark and talk. She talked about the ceiling fan, she named all of our family members by name, she heard Dave talking and said "Da Da". I adore that little girl. She pointed to my eyes and said "Eyes", then we did "Nose". I would ask her random questions and she would either say "Yea" or "No". I laid there and watched as she drifted off to sleep! What a Precious Moment for us to share! I snuck out of the room to go tell Dave what a sweetie she was being. I told him how I watched her drift off to sleep. He said, "Oh really?" I turn and hear this small voice say, "Hi"! What a faker! She wasn't asleep! That's okay! I will always remember our quiet time! I have no pictures for several reasons; First of all it was dark in there, Secondly I looked like death, and Lastly if I brought out a camera she would have started playing! I didn't want to ruin the moment!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Day of School

Here we are on our first day! This is Peyton's last year of Preschool:( I seriously have to hold back the tears on that one! I have been with Peyton pretty much everyday of his life!

Here he is with his new Batman lunch box! He's ready to go!

Here's little Ms. Carlee! She's a big girl now! She walked into school carrying her lunch box...all by herself....with no help from Mommy.....Seriously, she didn't want my help!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A week from Carlee's perspective

This is my brother! I know what you are goof head! Goofy he may be, but that's my bubba. He's a lot of fun!

Friday night my cousins came over for a visit. They had a good time jumping on Grammy's bed. Do you think they let me jump? "No, she's too little" they say or..." She may get hurt!" Do they know who I am?!?!? I invented crazy stunts like that!

I had a good dinner that night. Mom gave me Chocolate pudding! Yummy! Dad said that I shouldn't feed myself pudding....too messy! I said, "Let a kid have some fun, daddy"

I had a bath shortly after.....

I just love baths! Here's me cuddling with my Daddy. I like to suck on my tags and my latest trick is putting them through my toes at the same time! This makes mommy and daddy laugh. What can I say, it soothes me!

Oh, I forgot....earlier that day Mommy found me in my room reading books. I love to read books and make animal noises. My Granny taught me how! She's a cool Granny!

I like to say cheese!

Saturday Morning, Mommy and Daddy cleaned out the garage. I found an old car seat and decided to play with the buckles. Buckles are so fun! I can entertain myself for a long time with buckles. I think Mommy and Daddy like that!

Saturday night my cousin Kenzie got to spend the night. My other cousin Kallie couldn't come. Something about not being a good girl! Kenzie said she was being punished. I don't really know what that means yet, I'll have to ask Mommy if I've ever been punished!

They wouldn't give me a turn playing that silly Spiderman game!

We got to go to church on Sunday. I got to move up to the next class. I finally got out of that baby room! BORING! Today I had Gold fish crackers at the big kids table in a big kids chair. Anyway...before we went Mommy always likes to take pictures of me. I guess I looked cute in this new dress from my Granny. My Granny has good taste. I even have a pretty bow on too. But Granny, I think I might need a yellow bow instead of the white the next time I wear this dress, ok?

Kenzie had on a cute dress too, but I am not sure what kind of smile this is?!?!?

This is my Mommy and Daddy! I guess they say I look like my Daddy. He's pretty cute!!

Here I am AGAIN....getting pretty bored with all these pictures!

I was sad here because I wanted to ride to church with my Grammy and Bap Baw; but Mommy wouldn't let me! Something about my car seat! Whatever!

I decided to throw myself onto the ground! I like to do that sometimes when I'm frustrated!

Thanks for tuning in to my week! Stay tuned until next week. I start back to school! I hear that I am moving up to the big girl class!

Friday, August 8, 2008

My Meme

I was "memed"(or however you spell it) by my friend Shannon. So-here are the official rules as required to post:-link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog-share 7 facts about yourself on your own blog, weird or random-tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs-let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog So...7 random or weird facts about myself:

1. I make Lists for everything multiple times a day! It's what I do, what can I say.
2. I have to say out loud that I am turning off the curling iron; that way when I leave the house and say, "Did I turn off the curling iron", I know I did. I think they call that OCD!
3. Dirty Dancing was the first movie I saw in the theatre with my mom and sisters.
4. Dave can not chew any minty kind of gum around me. I hate the smell! It was a smell that bothered me when I was pregnant with Peyton.
5. I, like my friend Shannon, have a freakishly weird sense of smell! I could work at the airport with my nose!
6. I can't stand sitting at home with nothing to do. I have to always be doing something! I like to be out and about! This drives Dave nuts; he loves to sit at home!
7. I love to organize and label things! Buying plastic tubs excites me! One of my favortie Christmas gifts last year was my label maker.

Okay, now I am tagging: Hilary, Lauren, Trudy, Rebecca, Olivia, Becca, Andrea