Sunday, August 24, 2008

Swim Party

We had a Swim Party with our Small Group today! We had a really good time! We didn't get to take Carlee with us; she woke up with a fever and threw up everywhere! Not good! We missed her being the life of the party. Anyway we had invited our new friends Andy and Kaela and their two kids. What an adorable family! They are the type of people that you meet and you just know you will hit it off with! We have such a good time together! I look forward to getting to know them better and spending more time with them!
I'd like to introduce you to Peyton's future wife. Her name is Harli. She is the daughter of Andy and Kaela. She adores Peyton! They are so cute to watch play. Harli is such a sweet and cute girl!

This is Harli! Isn't she a cutie??

This is Harli and her Mommy Kaela

Andy, Kaela, Cody, and Harli

The waterfall was a huge hit!

The hot tub was the happening place too! Although, he wasn't that hot!

1 comment:

j said...

OK---Did Peyton ask Harli how she feels about living across the country-- in KY.??? Lots of approval needs to take place !!

Glad you guys had a good pool day--Sorry the "princess" didn't get to go !! Hope she is feeling better.