Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to all! I hope that everyone enjoyed their time with family! I spent time the night before thinking of what all I have to be thankful for. Here's my list:
1. My Family......Although I could not be with my mom and sister I thought of them all day, wishing they were here with me. I am so thankful to have them in my life! They have been with me through good and bad! I am also thankful that they are going to spend our first Christmas in our new house TOGETHER!
I am so thankful that I had a dad who loved Jesus and shared that love with his family. One day I will see him again! Priceless!!!
Dave has been a rock for this family lately! I am so proud of how he works 60 plus hours, taking 2 Master's classes, and being a good daddy to our children.
My first born Peyton is such a sweet and loving child. He truly has a giving spirit. We have watched him blossom into a precious little boy! He keeps us laughing!
My precious little girl brings a smile to our faces everyday! She is for sure the entertainer in the family; a lot like her mommy when she was little. She is a busy little girl bursting with personality. I wish I could keep her small.
I am thankful for how Grammy has allowed us to stay in her home for so long. She has watched over our children so many times with much love and patience. She is a very giving person!
2. I am thankful for Jesus and the price He paid so that somebody like me can one day go to Heaven.
3. I am soooooo thankful that God provided a house for us. We have been praying for so long for the perfect house. We are ecstatic to move in 2 weeks from now.
4. I am thankful to have a job, a warm bed at night, and plenty of food to eat. All things in which I take for granted so many times!
5. I am thankful for all the friendships that I have made over the years. The verse in Proverbs that says "A friend loves at all times" has been proven to me many times in the past couple of weeks. Thank you friends for your faithfulness to me!

We went over to Paul and Katie's for Thanksgiving. It was a chilly and rainy it! It's been so warm here lately. Katie's whole family was there along with our friends Andy and Kaela from our small group. We ate TONS of food, played ping pong, made smores over the fire pit, watched the kids ride the Quads, the women looked at all the ads:), and watched the men play touch football. Here's a slide show of the all the fun!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Our journey is coming to a close! Our offer was accepted and we are ready to sign our papers! That's right, we found our Home!!! We are so excited that God has answered our prayers. We have so much to do in such a short period of time. We are so excited to wake up Christmas morning in our home with our family!

Last weekend Dave and I went to the Western World Championship sprint car race! It reminded me of my upbringing! It felt like home with all the rednecks, and fried foods! My dad took me to races and car shows when I was little. My dad had 3 girls, so I was the son he never had:)
Here are some pictures of the race. They aren't great quality because there was so much dirt. I was sick the next day from all the dirt in my sinus'.

Dave was actually talking to the owner of the car about buying one??? He was even talking about racing one some day?????? Who is this man?? That's not the Dave I know. I asked him later what that was all about and he said, "A man can dream"!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Here's Peyton doing the Pumpkin Walk...he won!

Carlee at Music Time! They have to stand on circles, of course hers is pink. Look at her face, she acted like she didn't want her picture taken!

Peyton and his girlfriend Harli!

Here's Carlee's class, all have been bitten by her at least once!

Daddy had to carry her all night, she didn't want to get her slippers dirty! Earlier that day at school, she fell on a toy and got a black eye!

Here she is playing ring toss!

Power Ranger down! He fell and hit his head on another kid!

Here's his girlfriend again!

Little Miss Ballerina was too tired for Halloween!

Get this Power Ranger away from me!

Don't mess with me!