Sunday, April 25, 2010

Schnepf Farms

Yesterday was Dave's birthday! We decided to take, what will probably be one of our last family outings as a family of four, a trip to Schnepf Farms. There really isn't a whole lot going on there during the off season, but it was free and fun for the kids!

I took a ton of pics of these guys, for some reason they fascinate me!

Daddy and his buddy!

Daddy and his princess!

Mr. Tom Turkey was huge and old! The kids were a little skeptical!

He shouted, "I'm on top of the world"

She could swing all day if you let her!

This was a very tight squeeze for daddy. They didn't even bother to ask me, it would have been near impossible!

She kept saying, "All aboard" and ringing the bell! She asked us for pennies to get on and take a ride!

Yep, that's a fake cow and fake utters!

He said, "Push and Pull, Push and Pull"

Probably the last picture of me before I get skinny:)

They were checking out the 'taddy poles'

She thought she was a big girl!

Tall and Bones!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just a little list.....

Here is a list of some things I wanna do sooner rather than later......

1. Read a book just for fun
2. Go to the beach and RELAX
3. Eat a wedding cake
4. Take the kids to Disney
5. Buy a really nice camera
6. Learn how to take good pictures
7. Take a road trip to somewhere pretty
8. Stay in a hotel
9. Eat a really expensive meal for 'free'
10. Get a make over
11. Scrapbook again
12. Ride a horse
13. Get a new diamond ring
14. Become a good baker
15. Buy a new wardrobe

That's all!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Every year we dye eggs with the kids!

As you can see, I am the one dying because they don't have the patience to leave the eggs in the bowl long enough:)

Easter Morning before church.

Princess Carlee did not want to wear her Easter dress because it was too 'itchy'! She won, but still looked adorable! She also won by wearing her strawberry pj shorts underneath!!

I like the smile on Carlee's face here! She loves her dadda!

Yes, I am large! But I love how Peyton has his hand on his baby brother!

Easter hunt in our back yard! We have crunchy prickly grass, but's better than dirt!

Checking out their loot! Carlee made out with more money!

Peyton was quick to point out that he had more candy!!