Saturday, August 16, 2008

Precious Moments

Tonight I was not feeling that great, so I went to lay on my bed and try to rest. This was right after dinner, which we usually do bath time. Dave said he would take care of it so I could rest! Love that! Anyway....shortly after I hear lots of screaming. Too exhausted and sick to go see what's going on....I over hear Dave saying that the kids wanted bubbles, but Dave said no. That threw both kids into a full blown fit. Needless to say bath time was cut short and he brought Carlee in to me to say good night to. I grabbed her and laid her beside me. Dave said that he was putting her to bed and she screamed "No Nite Nite". I know you are probably thinking, the title of this blog said Precious Moments....what's so precious about that! Well, it was the next 45 minutes that I will forever hold dear to my heart. Carlee wanted to lay with me in the dark and talk. She talked about the ceiling fan, she named all of our family members by name, she heard Dave talking and said "Da Da". I adore that little girl. She pointed to my eyes and said "Eyes", then we did "Nose". I would ask her random questions and she would either say "Yea" or "No". I laid there and watched as she drifted off to sleep! What a Precious Moment for us to share! I snuck out of the room to go tell Dave what a sweetie she was being. I told him how I watched her drift off to sleep. He said, "Oh really?" I turn and hear this small voice say, "Hi"! What a faker! She wasn't asleep! That's okay! I will always remember our quiet time! I have no pictures for several reasons; First of all it was dark in there, Secondly I looked like death, and Lastly if I brought out a camera she would have started playing! I didn't want to ruin the moment!

1 comment:

j said...

That sounds so sweet---its true, moments like that you will never forget. There is something so special about little girls!!!

Can't wait to hear about Peyton's day with his Dad :)

Love & Miss you guys