Saturday, May 31, 2008

Just hanging out

Isn't she precious? She loves her Taggie blanket so much. I should probably buy stock or something:) She owns about 5 of them, but this is her favorite.

We were thinking of using this as the Time Out chair. But of course she likes to play on it! I know some of you are thinking Time Out chair for a 1 year old. Let me introduce you to Carlee Jane Carpenter; "Stinker Princess". I know in her Granny's eyes she does no wrong! Reality is, she is a mess and knows it!

Carlee loves shoes! She especially likes to wear everyone's but her own. She does a good job putting them on the right feet.

I couldn't pass up taking a picture of her adorable hand.

This is the second time we've looked down on the floor and found her asleep. It must be a comfortable floor. She can fall asleep anywhere. I guess Dave was like that as a kid.

Peyton barely rubs his eyes in the morning and he is asking to play his Nintendo. Apparently Dave was like that, and still kinda is:)

Look at this cute little smile! This smile makes my heart smile! He will always be my precious boy!


Hilary said...

Too cute. I know about stinker princesses too...and Oh my goodness. The shoes. The shoes. My daughter is the slipper thief.

That close-up of Carlee and her blanket is adorable.

You have such cute kids!

j said...

"Stinker Princess" is a doll. How could you ever put that face in time out !!! She melts my heart just looking at her. Soon I will take "that mess" off your hands for awhile:)

Peyton Douglas looks just like his mom did at that age (still looks exactly like you)--Just like Peyts, you were one of a kind--very special!! "My Lil Pup"--I love you !!