Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Please Pray!

Hey no pictures today, but I have something far more important to talk about. Our dear friend Amie, who we have grown to cherish and love, needs a much prayer as she can get right now. A month ago she did an amazing thing for a member of her family. She donated her kidney to a cousin who needed it. Amie is not recovery well at all. She has flown back and forth several times to Baltimore where her surgery took place. She went through another surgery shortly after to remove fluid that had built up. She has not eaten solid food in a month! Can you imagine??? She has been dealing with a lot and could use your prayers. She has to return to Baltimore yet again for another surgery. We need to pray that these surgeons get it right and figure out what they've done wrong! Enough is enough!
Amie, we love you and want you to get better ASAP! Mainly because you deserve it...but also because I want you to gain a little weight. The whole pale, frail Ethiopian thing is totally out:) I wish Dave and I lived close. We would totally have you up and running in no time! Actually you would probably rip a stitch or two from the constant laughing we would do! Love you and Stay strong!


Hilary said...

You can be sure that I am praying for your friend.

Lauren said...

It's been forever since I've visited your blog. Sorry! But the nausea has kept me down!! I'll be praying for your friend. I miss you tons and sure wish you were an "East Coaster"!! =)

Trudy said...

we will be praying Allie!