Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sprinkler Fun!

When you don't have a pool in Arizona, you do what you have to do to stay cool! This was a cool little "FREE" sprinkler I got last year at a yard sale. I was over looking at kids clothes and I hear Peyton yell, "Mommy this is the coolest sprinkler ever, can we get it?" I saw that it was $5 and was thinking sure I'll buy it if it was a $1. When I went to pay for my 2 items, the man asked Peyton if he wanted that sprinkler. Great! Now I look like a horrible mother if I don't get it. He said he would give it to him for free since Peyton was so excited about it! Wow! Thank you yard sale man!!

Thanks Mom and Libby for the new swim suit. You can't really tell in this picture anything about the suit. Let's face matter how cute the suit, I look like crap in one! I get sick when thinking of going out in public showing my thighs and back fat! You would think that would motivate me to drop the pounds! Well, it's called I love to eat and hate to work out:)

Dave is trying to convince her that it's not that scary! For some reason, Carlee is not into getting wet unless it's in the bath tub.

She was not happy!

Happy Summer!


j said...

I love all of Peyton's facial expressions!! I miss him so much!
Sugary donuts and mt. dew for Peyts and Aunt Bibby's midnight snack on June 19th--can't wait!!! Shhhh! Don't tell Daddy

Lauren said...

I missed the tag!! Sorry! I must have had my head in the toilet.... =)

Unknown said...

I look at your blog almost every week. I love seeing you two and the kids.
Miss you a lot.

Olivia and Michael Fitch said...

Amen. I love me some food. But one place you'll NEVER find me at is a gym.