Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

He arose! What an awesome gift that Christ is alive and we will see him some day face to face!!
Before I get the pictures of our adventurous morning...I have to tell a story about one of my precious gifts, Peyton. Every year we hide a golden egg that contains a dollar bill. Of course Peyton found it because Carlee was stuck on the one egg she found and wouldn't let go of it!! Anyway...Peyton got the dollar and was eager to get to the store to spend it! Well, he and Dave had to run to the grocery store for a few things, so off they went to spend Peyton's dollar. When they pulled up there was a man standing out in front of the store begging for money. Peyton told Dave that he wanted to go give the man his dollar. ( I have tears as I write this) So, he did. Once he got into the store he turned back because he wanted to tell the man that he got it out of his golden egg! How precious! Dave and I could not be more proud as parents to see our son have compassion for others and a giving heart! AHH!! I love that kid!

Okay, on to more disturbing news; at least for me! I have planned for weeks to take the kids Easter pictures this morning. I was even taking my nieces pictures too! Well, somehow in a weird strange LCD screen broke on my camera! UGH!!! I have had that camera forever! I was so sad!! I kept snapping pictures in hopes that some would turn out....Carlee has been sick all week, so she was a wee bit crabby. Most of her pictures are of her crying, which is okay. Something to remember the day by I suppose. Peyton was cute but said he didn't feel that good either! are the pictures. Hope at least some turned out! As a mom, I need to remember that not everything is going to be much as I try and stress about it!

The first pictures are of us at church last night.


Hilary said...

The pictures are cute, even if Carlee is crying.

Sorry about your camera.

Wow...I had tears in my eyes too when reading your story about Peyton! How sweet. (Yeah. I will have to share that story with Braden who is not into sharing anything right now.)

Lauren said...

Too cute! It seems like your Easter was a lot warmer than ours!

I miss you too! Your family is beautiful and Peyton's story is precious.

Love you!!

Trudy said...

Beautiful! Peyton way to go buddy!! I have been sick Allie, pray for the crud to get through our house quick.
Love Trudy

Sam, Shannon and Fam said...

I really like the family picture on Easter... you guys are really cute!

Sam, Shannon and Fam said...

I really like the family picture on Easter... you guys are really cute!