Thursday, March 20, 2008


It's been a few days. My poor Carlee just can't seem to get over this ear infection. At least I think it's her ears. She had to leave school early yesterday because she threw up everywhere. She hasn't eaten much since then, but it drinking. It's so pitiful looking at her. Her eyes are so sad. I hate to admit that it makes me happy just to sit and hold her. I would much rather she her running around or climbing on everything, but my heart smiles when she is cozy in my lap.

Well, March Madness has started! And all women say, UGH! I enjoy watching a game or two...but 3 or four days full of non stop games....give me a break! Dave told me on Monday that I shouldn't expect much out of him come Thursday. So true! As I am sitting here, he is in the chair talking about smart plays, crappy calls, and so on!!

Hopefully this weekend I will get my camera back. I let my sister-in-law borrow it last week for Kallie's School Music Program. I plan on taking the kids Easter pictures myself. I hope Carlee is feeling better.

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