Friday, August 8, 2008

My Meme

I was "memed"(or however you spell it) by my friend Shannon. So-here are the official rules as required to post:-link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog-share 7 facts about yourself on your own blog, weird or random-tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs-let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog So...7 random or weird facts about myself:

1. I make Lists for everything multiple times a day! It's what I do, what can I say.
2. I have to say out loud that I am turning off the curling iron; that way when I leave the house and say, "Did I turn off the curling iron", I know I did. I think they call that OCD!
3. Dirty Dancing was the first movie I saw in the theatre with my mom and sisters.
4. Dave can not chew any minty kind of gum around me. I hate the smell! It was a smell that bothered me when I was pregnant with Peyton.
5. I, like my friend Shannon, have a freakishly weird sense of smell! I could work at the airport with my nose!
6. I can't stand sitting at home with nothing to do. I have to always be doing something! I like to be out and about! This drives Dave nuts; he loves to sit at home!
7. I love to organize and label things! Buying plastic tubs excites me! One of my favortie Christmas gifts last year was my label maker.

Okay, now I am tagging: Hilary, Lauren, Trudy, Rebecca, Olivia, Becca, Andrea


Sam, Shannon and Fam said...

Looks like we have alot in common! I am totally OCD too! :) Oh, and Sam was actually really annoyed in that picture- I have about six pics in progression showing his irritation. He was mad because he couldn't row well enough to really fish due to the wind and our cramped situation :). I'm so glad you noticed :).

j said...

Oh, I wish you had to list 10 things about yourself instead of 7 and maybe you would have included:

8. You once won the "Prettiest Feet" contest!! Which is really weird because you have NEVER allowed anyone to EVER get near or touch your feet!! (except when they were hot and we had to blow on them to cool them)

9. You have a great love for phones--for many of your childhood years you slept with a BIG black phone (pics to prove it)

10. You are blessed with "The Look"--- sometimes that is a good thing!!! But, now that you have passed it on to Peyton and Carlee (at such a young age) maybe not so good:)

But, even with all the good and "weirdness" that you are--- You are loved and cherished deeply !!