Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Since Dave has been out of commission on the yard, diaper changing, dishes, baths, etc..... I have been doing double duty. Of course I had Granny and Aunt Bibby's help, but they left me and now I am all alone...sigh! Anyway....I was mowing the yard the other day and saw a very scary little critter! I hate critters! Take a look.

OH..Scary huh?

When I zoomed in, Dave came up behind me and grabbed me! Talk about peeing my pants. Let's just say I wanted to harm Dave real bad!

Obviously he wasn't alive and of no harm to me. Look how coloful his belly is.

Bye Bye little Lizard!


Trudy said...

Yes, I would have had to hurt him! Sorry you are missing your mom, I am so glad you had fun with her.

Hilary said...

That is a colorful little lizard. Our lizards aren't that colorful, but they are a pretty bright green. I am OK with lizards if they keep their distance. Same with the geckos. If they don't touch me, I am OK. I have had one jump on my lap in our car before and well...yeah, that was rather scary. At least it was a gecko and not a lizard that jumped on my lap. I would rather not think to what would have happened if that had been the case.
I will be praying about your decision to get your masters. Good luck! I know you can do it. I can't imagine getting a masters with kids, you are a brave soul. I will keep you in prayer!