Friday, June 27, 2008

Another update

Dave went to the doctor on Wednesday. Everything is looking good. He was told that this will be a long recovery due to the severity and deepness of the burns. He has to really start scrubbing away the dead skin so that new skin will grow. This is a very painful thing! They have changed his medication but it doesn't seem to work as well as the other. We have to go back every week for them to scrub at the burns. He has been released to light duty at work, but we are not sure if that will be possibly. He can not drive, especially while taking morphine.
My mom and sister are still here. They have been a HUGE help! My poor sister has been sick and to the doctor with a sore throat. She is on antibiotics, so hopefully she will feel better soon. My other sister who lives in Tennessee was injured at work this morning. Her arm got caught in a machine. So amazing that she didn't crush her arm! God is so amazing to my family! She had to have 7 stitches. She will be going in for surgery on her feet in a few weeks. She has to have her ligaments torn and bones reset! OUCH! Poor sissy! Our family cold still use lots of prayer!

I will attach a few pictures. My camera has been broken since Easter:( My really generous friend Olivia gave me her old one to use until I got a new one. Well, Dave informed me last night that a surprise will be coming in the mail for me in a few days:) He ordered me a new camera! I am so excited to get a good camera!

We met some family up in Scottsdale to go swimming. This is the day Carlee decided to like the pool!

Thank you Aunt Leigh for the adorable outfit! I looked like a doll!!

Granny is enjoying playing dress up with Carlee! You wouldn't believe all dresses and bows!!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Thank you for the update on your family. We will pray for you all! Take it easy.