Sunday, July 27, 2008

Swim Date with Mommy

So Wednesday on my day off the kids and I went over to Grammy's house to pick up our mail and drop off some things. Carlee was worn out so she decided to take a nap. Peyton and I decided to take a swim in the neighbor's pool. Man, it felt like a bath tub! That's how hot it is here in the summer! But Peyton loved it none the less! I got some really cute pictures of him! You will notice in the pictures that he has a mark between his eyes. We have Sears to thank for that! A cardboard cut out fell off the top of a refrigerator that we were looking at and hit Peyton! We should have sued! LOL!

Thanks Aunt Bibby for my new Hulk swim trunks!


j said...

Enjoyed seeing Peyton in his Hulk Swim trunks--His Hulk pose is cute!! Libby

Olivia and Michael Fitch said...

Colin? Is that you?