We could be twins, especially from behind!
My mommy is going home:( I am taking her to the airport in the morning. Goodness, she will be missed! She has been totally awesome. She was coming out for a vacation, you know to relax and enjoy her grandkids! Well I am not sure she relaxed at all. She did so much for us while she was here. We enjoyed some wonderful southern meals:) She took care of the kids, did all of our laundry, cleaned the house!!!! I really enjoyed our late night talks about nothing. I am sure she is ready to go home and sleep for days. Carlee and Peyton wore her out! I am not sure how Carlee will get along with her Granny. Granny taught Carlee tons of new words. Thanks to Granny, Carlee now says: Loves You, Doggy, Bird, Cow, Eyes, No, Bibby, Ruff Ruff, Moo...there are tons more I am forgetting. She knows all of her body parts, and she spreads her arms backwards and flies like a bird. It is seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen. Peyton got to spend a day with just he and Granny. Apparently he pretended he was a baby the whole day. She feed him Mac n Cheese, he had orange juice ba ba's, she carried him everywhere (Poor Granny's back). Mom even helped out with my other child, Dave. He can be a lot of work.
Thank you mom for all that you did while you were here! We will miss you! You are the greatest Granny and Mom in the whole wide world! Loves U!!!
Here are some of my Mom's favorite Pics from her trip!
She just loved this lime tree! Too bad the limes were not ripe??? Since I haven't the slightest clue about this kind of thing, when are limes "in".
Here Granny, I'll pick you a lime.
Granny and Aunt Bibby had a couple of dresses Monogrammed for Carlee. She was absolutely adorable in them!
I adore this picture!
Peyton was really upset because he wanted Carlee to sit in his lap. We tried so hard to get that little stinker to sit still. Check out this next picture. He was a little frustrated with his sister!
I am so glad your mom was able to visit you and help out.
I LOVE your new layout, it is great! You can change mine for me, please?
Your mom is so cute! She looks exactly the same as when I saw her last. I'm so glad yall got to have this visit.
Carlee looks just like you, I think! Miss you tons! =)
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