Today was less than exciting! I didn't have to go to school today, so you would think I would be excited!!
My children require entertaining at ALL times! Having a vacation sometimes really isn't my ideal of a vacation! It was already such a dreary day outside with the nasty weather!
Can I just add that I am so tired of the direction our country is heading! What happened to us??? The health care situation is really starting to TICK me off! It seems that good people who have worked hard their whole lives are the ones who are paying for the screw ups! It is sad to watch!! I hate how so many have stopped taking pride in their homes, lives, and jobs! Maybe the end times are nearer than we think! If we keep going in this direction, I pray that the Lord does come back quickly!!
I have been thinking about expanding my blog to more than a family blog. I started it so that family from far away could watch our family grow. Well, I am convinced that I only have one faithful family member that reads.
I am not sure what changes will take place yet. I read so many wonderfully written and designed blogs! I have a lot to learn! Sunday I spent hours trying to figure out one small thing, and became too frustrated to continue!
Time to wrap it up, my computer is too hot on my lap and it's making a funny noise!
Until next time.....
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