Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lincoln 2 Months

This little guy is chugging right along! He weighed 13 pounds at his 2 month check up! He had his shots:( Got a little feverish and cranky from that, but he's a fighter!
In the last week he has started trying to grab things. He smiles so much when you talk to him! I am working this week on getting him on a more consistent schedule. Since I have been home all summer we have been relaxing as much as we can. He sleeps and eats when he wants. He is a true 'baby' of the family. He gets held ALOT!! He's my last so I don't mind as much!! I am working at getting him to fall asleep on his own. That has been challenging, but if he's tired he will do it!

As I type this post, he is lying on the floor beside me with toys all around him. He just discovered his hand. It was raised in the air and he was staring at it:) He kind of went cross eyed for a minute!! Now Carlee, who is half naked, is lying beside him and making him laugh! I reach for my camera and the moment is over:( Oh well!!

How cute is this baby?!?! When he spits his passy out, he sucks on his tongue. Just like his cousin Abby:)

He loves tummy time! He also enjoys falling asleep on his tummy! He tries so hard to roll over! We are so amazed by his determination....he puts his knees under and tries to crawl! This kid is the real deal! We are so proud of all that he can do!!!

We love you Lincoln Jospeh! You have completed our family with loads of smiles and precious moments!!


J said...

Oh Lincoln...in exactly 2 weeks I will be back with "my boy"!!
I have missed you so much--
Mommy keeps telling me that you are not as big as your pics make you look--it looks like you have grown so much since I left you a few weeks ago!!!
Soon I will be back to be a part of the Clan--spoiling you, your brother and sister more (if that is possible)--Cannot wait to hear Peyts wild stories and Carlee telling me she is "hongree" while holding a snack in both hands!!!

Don't tell daddy but, I even miss him:)

Allie Carpenter said...

Oh Granny, we miss you tons! Mommy is a mess! She forgot how to do laundry:( My clothes sit in the dryer and get wrinkled!! Indy licks my face! Carlee screams ALL the time! Peyton gets in my face and gives me kisses all the time! Daddy walks around in his underwear too much!! You need to get back here so that I can lay in my spot while you eat snacks and watch your shows:)

See you soon! Forever!!!