Friday, May 28, 2010

Goodbye Kindergarten

Monday night was Peyton's graduation from Kindergarten! I can not believe how fast he has grown up:( I am still trying to process being old enough to have a 1st grader!!
I am a little disappointed in myself for not taking that many pictures.
Peyton had a speaking part in the performance. He got really nervous and froze up a little bit, but he pulled it out:)

This is Cameron, one of Peyton's best buddies! I am also bummed that I did not get a picture of him and his other best buddy, Aiden!

Doesn't he look grown up?!?!

We are proud of you Peyton for making it through a tough year! You excelled in Math like we thought you would! You get that from your daddy!! Your teacher said that you always wanted to be challenged. She also said that you are very bright and excel in all academic areas. We are excited to see what the next year brings for you!
Love you Peyter!

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