Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten Part 1

This is the first picture I took of the day! Yes, he is eating Cheezits for breakfast! You know they tell you to make sure they get a good night sleep (Check) and to eat a healthy breakfast (Check....according to Peyton's standards!) Cheese is healthy right?!?!?!?!

Here he is sporting all new EVERYTHING!

His favorite would be his brand new Mario lunch box that Granny bought for him!

He wanted a shot of his backpack too!

This is my favorite picture! He looks so big:(

Once again with a shot of his lunch box!

Okay, so here's the story with Carlee Jane! She felt a little left out so she asked me if she could carry her pack pack (her word for backpack) too! At the time, she had put her baby (her new word for her bb...or taggie blanket to those who don't know Carlee language)!

At this point, Peyton was done with the photo shoot! Carlee was still cheesing away!!!

It has been so hot here lately! You can kinda see on his face! We have to drop them off on the playground so that it is easier for the kids!

At least the mommies got to hang out for a bit until they walked in to the building!

He quickly ventured out to play!

There he is lined up with his class! He did so good standing in line! That's a first good step, right???

It took them at least 15 minutes to get all the Kindergarten classes lined up properly:) And yes, there were a few that cried and one that was quickly labeled "a runner". The principal stepped right in and took the "runner" and now we can add the name "kicker" to the list!! Meanwhile, my precious Peyton is still standing in line!!

At the time I didn't know this, but when he walked by me, he said in his best whiny voice, "UGH, Mom, my backpack is too itchy!!" Notice that he is carrying his lunchbox, well...I had it in his backpack, but he informed me that it was too heavy on his back! So, we took it out! Amazing that it made his backpack too was the only thing in there:)

Well, I made it! I came back home with Carlee and we have been eating snacks ever since!!!!! Maybe coming back home was not a good idea:)

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Hey! I cannot believe the little guy is in K - he does look so old! He's a cutie. Boy, you guys start school early out there. When do they get out?

Miss yall. Now that I am unemployed, maybe the kids and I will have to head out to AZ one of these day! We'd have too much fun. =)