Our journey is coming to a close! Our offer was accepted and we are ready to sign our papers! That's right, we found our Home!!! We are so excited that God has answered our prayers. We have so much to do in such a short period of time. We are so excited to wake up Christmas morning in our home with our family!

Last weekend Dave and I went to the Western World Championship sprint car race! It reminded me of my upbringing! It felt like home with all the rednecks, and fried foods! My dad took me to races and car shows when I was little. My dad had 3 girls, so I was the son he never had:)
Here are some pictures of the race. They aren't great quality because there was so much dirt. I was sick the next day from all the dirt in my sinus'.
Dave was actually talking to the owner of the car about buying one??? He was even talking about racing one some day?????? Who is this man?? That's not the Dave I know. I asked him later what that was all about and he said, "A man can dream"!!
I am so excited about the house---cannot wait to help you decorate (even if it does include painting) We will have so much fun!!!
Dave will have plenty space now to hide from the "4 Stanley women"!!
Cannot wait for Christmas morning with Peyton and Carlee!!
Hmmm---redneck---fried foods ---car races---reminds you of Ky????
Your Dad loved taking you with him--he loved that you wanted to go and enjoyed it as much as he did!!!!
Love & see you soon
Congratulations! I am so happy for you, and your house is lovely! YAY! MERRY CHRISTMAS! :-)
The races looked like fun!
Have a great Thanksgiving too!
Ooh, congrats!! I love the house. This means we have to visit, right? I'm so glad yall will be getting your own space soon. I know that will be nice. Hope you guys have a happy t'sgiving.
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