This is my Sister! Isn't she cute?!?!?! Mommy and Daddy weren't home when this happened! She's a stinker! But she's funny!
She thought it was funny when Daddy splashed her! I was busy playing with my water gun in the Jacuzzi!
One of my favorite things to do is play Star Wars Legos!
I'm a simple little guy! I'm pretty easy to get along with, I'm rarely in trouble; unlike my sister!
Here's me riding my bike from Granny and Aunt Bibby! I don't ride it as much because it's so hot where I live!
What's this?? My sister is being sweet to me while I sleep???
Everybody always talks about how cute Carlee is; "Oh look how sweet"'; "You're so pretty Carlee" I'm not bitter! It wouldn't hurt to hear how handsome I am sometimes!
Just to let you all know, I was the original cutie! See for yourself!

Oh Peyts--I am so sorry that your life as "Carlee Carpenter"s" big brother right now is hard on you !!! You are a doll-I mean handsome !! Yes, you are an original and you are a very special little boy.
But, right now watch out for your little sister and tell your Mom that Carlee--like You--does not like HOT SAUCE!!!
Peyton-I miss you so much!! Tell your mom that she needs to blog more often so I can see pics of you/carlee. I love you! Aunt Bibby
Hey! I remember when you were the one and only cutie (along with Braden). The two of you had so much fun together! You and your parents made great neighbors. Miss you guys!
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