We are well into Monsoon Season here in Arizona. I am glad for the rain! This is nothing compared to Portland. I do not miss the Portland Rain!! It was nice to step out back and smell, see, hear, and fell the rain! Wow...working my Senses!!
I was not supposed to be on the computer tonight but everyone went to bed at 8:00 tonight! I was trying to be a "good" girl and give it up for one night and fill that time with something more productive, but I couldn't resist! We had a really good sermon at church yesterday. He spoke on Slowing Down! That is something that we can all try and do. I get so caught up in my busy "go go" day, that I forget to enjoy my life.
Today was a "Daddy Day" for the kids. Dave was off work today so he kept them home from school. The kids love Daddy days! They pretty much run the house when Daddy is home! I was shocked, but very pleased to come home to a clean house! Good Job Daddy! Usually the kids are either running around in their undies and diapers, or still in their Pajamas; but they actually had on decent outfits!
Peyton has been eating so good lately. We have really been praying that he would start eating and trying new foods! Skinny Boy! Anyway, he ate his first In-N-Out hamburger! He got $1! He was so excited he wanted to go spend it right away on a Lego game for his Nintendo. Poor guy! He's just like his mom, can't keep money in your pocket! 
Carlee seemed to enjoy 'our'(Mommy and Daddy's) milkshake the best!We had a good day with our family on Saturday. Dave had been gone all week for work and got in really late on Friday night. But he got up in a good mood on Saturday and took us out! We went to the Mall. We saw LOTS and LOTS of people. They were casting for The Biggest Loser at Superstition Springs Mall. There were tons of people there! Then we went driving around looking at Houses! We are so excited to be seriously looking for our first home! We found a few that we loved! Then we came home and crashed! It was good to be together as a family after a very lonely week!
I have been trying my best not to let Peyton lose all that he learned at Preschool last year. So, I found this really cool floor book at Big Lots for $6. He loved it!
Okay, so we are so thankful that Dave is alive and that his hands are healing nicely! I don't think I ever posted pictures of his hands; so I am going to a before/after for you all to see how God is healing his hands! Libby, you might want to look away!
This is Day 2
I won't show you all the in between pictures. They are bad. That was when he had to scrub all the dead skin from each burn. Boy, it was not pretty!
Taken yesterday! He met with the doctor today! They can not believe how well his hands are healing! We can believe it! Thank you God! Continue to pray for full function of his fingers and joints. Today they were concerned with the flexibility of his fingers. He has hand exercises he has to do everyday that are painful!
1 comment:
OUCH. Of course that doesn't begin to describe it, I can't even imagine how much that must hurt. Praise God for healing! We will continue to pray for Dave's hands.
YAY~ I bet it must be so much fun to look for your very own HOUSE. Wow. I am so excited for you! I want pictures when you find one you really like!
Brady was quite happy to get a message on our blog! He was all smiles. I agree with you! he is getting BIG. I think the girl he was next to is six? anyway.
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