I finally got her to try on her wings. She wasn't thrilled with them. Hopefully she grows into the girly stuff. Right now she seems to be more like I was when I was that young. I was a tomboy. I liked to play outside. Carlee is a mix of both. When she has on a cute outfit and one of her bows....she puts her head on her shoulder and knows she's cute. But when she is playing outside, she's eating rocks, picking up bugs, screaming at the birds, and climbing onto everything! She is one of a kind, that Carlee Jane!!
We "discovered" Discovery Park, which is 5 miles from our house here in Gilbert, AZ. It is huge and such a beautiful park! It will probably be our next destination for a family photo shoot:) Peyton insisted we take our "Picmic"(Peyton language) basket filled with bread and hamburgers (actually just a hamburger bun, but he insisted it's an actual hamburger). After awhile, the ducks were full, so Peyton decided he wanted some bread too! It was so cute, he would take a bite, then throw the ducks a bite. It's a good thing the bread was still good:) Of course Carlee enjoyed herself. She threw a "Carpenter" fit when we had to leave. For those of you who do not know what a Carpenter fit is: Throwing yourself onto the ground, Kicking your feet, Screaming at the top of your lungs; and sometimes a little hitting/biting! I am sure everyone child throws a similar fit, but we call them Carpenter fits because every Carpenter child seems to have the same fit symptoms!!!
She thought she was a big girl!
Peyton got a little hungry
1 comment:
Fun times.......hey I hear you might rent the russels house this summer? Is that true? You would be closer to me and we could visit.
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