Here's what we are up to.....
Dave is working hard and taking his masters class in some long and boring name. He is getting his masters in education. We are ready for him to finish. He just returned from Mexico last weekend. He tries to go every year, but has only been twice. We hope to be able to send him every year because it is such a time of gratitude and blessings for him. A large group of men from our church go every February to build houses for needy families. It is a lot of hard work but enjoyable for Dave. He goes with his brothers and dad....I guess they do that male bonding thing (which means talk non stop about SPORTS and more SPORTS.
I am still teaching Preschool. I really enjoy teaching and working with some wonderful ladies. I just celebrated my 30th birthday. I was able to go to Kentucky with the kids a week before my birthday. I had a wonderful time with my mom and sisters. We did lots of shopping, eating, and giving each other a hard time. We did however plan a cruise together...we are very excited about that:) Gotta start getting in better shape!! When I returned, a group of us girls went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Yum Yum! I believe I had the Chocolate Pecan Turtle Cheesecake...doesn't that sound amazing!!
Peyton is growing so much. He will be 4 in May. He has the most amazing vocabulary for a 3 year old. We spend lots of time laughing at what comes out of his mouth. He is very expressive and active. He is mommy's boy, but loves his wrestle time with Daddy. He currently is sitting with his head on my shoulder watching Little Bear. We all stayed home from school today. He has a fever and Carlee has an ear infection. Other than that, he is pretty much a hoot! He is defiantly jealous of his sister,but we are working on that.
Carlee just turned 1 last Thursday! I can not believe she is already 1. I love this stage, but I really miss the tiny baby stage. She is SO ACTIVE. Seriously, she is so busy all the time. She is such a girly girl. One of her favorite things to do is play in the clothes basket, which is full of clothes. She tries to dress herself. I have been meaning to catch her doing it and take a picture. She had a Princess party, and believe me she was a princess. She enjoyed opening her presents, but wanted nothing to do with eating her cake. It kinda shocked me because she likes sweets...and her brother defiantly had his face in the cake.
We are loving Arizona. As I am sitting here writing this, it is 79 degrees outside with a nice breeze. I would be outside enjoying it, but not with sick kids.
My mom and sister are coming out in April for spring break...we are going to have lots of fun!!
Not diggin the cake But Mommy was!!
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