Ok, so it's been a day or 50 since I last blogged! I have several blogs that I read and find myself getting annoyed when they are not updated on a regular basis! Crazy, I know! I am not sure what my obsession is with reading about other people's lives, but I enjoy it! I am about to be completely honest for a moment! I read several blogs of people that I do not know. I am not sure why I do this, but when I can't sleep at night it's what I do! I get so annoyed with a couple of them. They are dramatic bloggers, have you ever heard of these people??? They are the ones who sound like they are big time writers, writing a column for The New York Post ( n0t sure why I picked that one...never actually read it) Anyway, are you following me??? They make their lives sound so "perfect"! I think that if they were to burp, roses petals would fall out of their mouth! I am not sure if they are really that well off and happy, or they want everyone to think they are?!? They are just over the top kind of people! Why can't we all just be real, and write what really goes on in our lives!
I stopped blogging for stupid reasons. Well, one reason isn't stupid...I was kinda busy with two Master's classes. But the other reasons were that I only had two true followers! I started blogging because I suck at writing in a journal and because now that my mom is living here in Arizona, she kinda already knows what is going on! See, she was a faithful blog follower. Olivia was my other true follower! That a girl! I knew I could count on you:) Well, I guess what I am trying to say is I am back in action! Classes are done, so that should free up some time!
So what the heck have we Carpenter folks been up to lately? Well, mom and Olivia (he he) I will tell you!
We will start with Peyton....(only because he is the oldest and it's only fair)
That's one thing about Peyton...he is all about being fair! If someone else has gets something...well darn it he should get it too! It's kinda a joke around the house now:) He is getting so grown-up! He has made the honor roll twice this year! He amazes me everyday with how smart he is. He loves to read! He is reading chapter books on a second grade level. His teacher comments to us all the time how much he soaks at school. He has become very interested in Science. He is really enjoying his new telescope, science kit, and moon lamp that he got for Christmas! I am going to go ahead and say it, this kid can be whatever he wants to be when he grows up! He has such big dreams and ideas! I know that he will accomplish amazing things!
Next topic of discussion, my beautiful Carlee Jane! What a hot mess that girl is:) She lights up my whole day! She is three, so with that comes some stinky behavior that makes me wanna scream, but her cuteness just melts ya! She is a very unique little girl. She loves all things girly, but doesn't mind to shot a few bad guys with a nerf gun! She is so much fun to have in the family! She loves going to preschool to play with her friends. She talks the whole way there and the whole way back. Just the past few months, she has matured in the way she talks. Sometimes we crack up at the things that come out of her mouth! We tell her all the time that she is beautiful. Depending on her mood that day, she will either agree or say things like, "No, I'm pretty" or "No, I'm cute" We are working on getting her to pick up after herself. She will go from room to room making huge messes, and when we ask her to clean up...we get this, "I'm too tired" or "My legs are broken" or "My eye hurts" Seriously, she pulls out some good ones:) But man, do we love that little girl! I wish I could keep her little. I will always remember the smile she puts on our faces!
And last, but certainly not least..Mr. Lincoln Joseph! That baby is a heart melter! He is nothing but pure sweetness! Being that he is my last baby, I couldn't have asked for a more cuddly and precious baby boy! He is full of life! After his rough entry into this world, he still remains one tough cookie! He is so determined! He wants something, he is determined to get it. He is so mobile! He, quicker than my other two, is all over this house! Plus, he is cutting some major teeth much sooner than his brother and sister! He is the happiest baby! He will smile at anybody that smiles at him! He can make a perfect stranger stop what they are doing! He is full of smiles! I am so thankful for such an easy going baby! He goes with the flow! His favorite hobby is shopping with me and Gigi! No, really! He goes everywhere with us:) Did I tell you that he is in love with his Gigi. She is known as granny to Peyton and Carlee, but he came out with Gigi! If she walks in the room, he immediately goes crawling as fast as he can to pull up (and pull down her pants) to Gigi! I am so glad that my mom was here when he came into this world! She has been able to see every second of his life...I am so glad that he lights up her world!
I will leave you with this.....I promise to be a better blogger because one day I hope to show this to my kids and them be glad that I took the time to write about them! Everything I do is for them! My mom did it for me, and I will do it for them! My life revolves around them! Do I wish I could take longer than 4 minutes in the shower? YEP! Do I wish I could get a massage every week? YEP! Do I wish I could make it through the grocery store without at least one meltdown? OH HECK YEP! But, I can't just do what I feel like most of the time! I am a mom. I choose to give up certain freedoms when I made the decision to have kids! I don't regret a second of it! I will take meltdowns, spills on the carpet, back talking children, messy rooms, and sleepless nights because I have no room in my bed! One of these days, I will look back and wish they were little again!
I will leave you with one picture of my little stinkers! I had no idea I was going to write this much! Must be the pills I took for this aching back that doesn't seem to be getting better! I will add more soon...or later than that:)