Leave it to a 3 year old to make you contemplate the matters of life!!!
I had a cute conversation with Carlee at bedtime the other night. Her thoughts and what she says makes us laugh. She says whatever she is thinking. Sometimes it is hard for her to say everything that she is thinking, so often times it's a bunch of rambling!! But we love her just the same!!
She has not been sleeping in her room for quiet awhile. She has been sleeping with Peyton. She says she is scared in her room. We let it go for the longest time because of the baby. But now we want her back in her own room, well mainly Peyton wants her back in her own room. You see, sleeping with Carlee can be a little exhausting! She likes to TALK (just like her momma), and she is EVERYWHERE!
I asked her to go get in her bed and Daddy would be in to tuck her in. She left my room, but quickly returned to report that a bug was in her room! Another thing about Carlee is she HATES bugs! If she sees a bug she screams and yells, "Carry me". She refuses to walk if there is a bug close by.
I told her it was fine, it was just a cricket. That didn't work! Whenever our kids are scared we have always asked them this question: "Who keeps us safe?" They always reply, "Jesus". Well, I asked Carlee this question and she replied the correct answer. Then the conversation went a little something like this:
"Mommy, I want Jesus to come to my house".
"Well, he lives in our hearts, so he's kinda already here."
With a confused look on her face, "He can drive his car?"
Laughing, "Well, he can't really drive a car honey"
She then asks, "Is he too little to sit in my chair?"
"He's not to little, He's big!"
And off she runs to go find her daddy!
I am not sure what she got out of this cute little conversation, but I sure took something from it! I was reminded by my 3 year old Princess that Jesus is not too little for anything! He's BIG and can do BIG things! I wish I could remember this truth on the days when I am at my lowest!

I had a cute conversation with Carlee at bedtime the other night. Her thoughts and what she says makes us laugh. She says whatever she is thinking. Sometimes it is hard for her to say everything that she is thinking, so often times it's a bunch of rambling!! But we love her just the same!!
She has not been sleeping in her room for quiet awhile. She has been sleeping with Peyton. She says she is scared in her room. We let it go for the longest time because of the baby. But now we want her back in her own room, well mainly Peyton wants her back in her own room. You see, sleeping with Carlee can be a little exhausting! She likes to TALK (just like her momma), and she is EVERYWHERE!
I asked her to go get in her bed and Daddy would be in to tuck her in. She left my room, but quickly returned to report that a bug was in her room! Another thing about Carlee is she HATES bugs! If she sees a bug she screams and yells, "Carry me". She refuses to walk if there is a bug close by.
I told her it was fine, it was just a cricket. That didn't work! Whenever our kids are scared we have always asked them this question: "Who keeps us safe?" They always reply, "Jesus". Well, I asked Carlee this question and she replied the correct answer. Then the conversation went a little something like this:
"Mommy, I want Jesus to come to my house".
"Well, he lives in our hearts, so he's kinda already here."
With a confused look on her face, "He can drive his car?"
Laughing, "Well, he can't really drive a car honey"
She then asks, "Is he too little to sit in my chair?"
"He's not to little, He's big!"
And off she runs to go find her daddy!
I am not sure what she got out of this cute little conversation, but I sure took something from it! I was reminded by my 3 year old Princess that Jesus is not too little for anything! He's BIG and can do BIG things! I wish I could remember this truth on the days when I am at my lowest!