That's what I said after I took 3 home pregnancy tests!!!! Yeah, I took 3. I needed a little more convincing! I would say shock was more of my first reaction. Dave was excited the second I walked out of the bathroom with a look of horror on my face!!!!! Of course, he's not the one hugging the porcelain! We did not tell many people until we had a confirmation from an educated physician!
I finally went to the doctor. Everything looked great, heartbeat was perfect, the baby was measuring big already(great), and he/she was very active, and there was only one in there! I swear at times I had an army in there! We will not know the sex until 18 weeks. I want to know, Dave does not! Like it matters! We have a bet on how long before he is dying to know. I got my due date which is May 12th...same as cousin Kenzie. She's excited to say the least! Being a teacher this is a good time. Well maybe a week or two later. But I will have the summer to relax and not sleep! Maybe that's why I am sleeping so much now. I know I will not get much!
Now for my lack of blogging, well I am sure you could guess. I'M PREGNANT!!!! Let me tell you how I am pregnant (at least for the first SEVERAL months)....MISERABLE! I am sick, tired, sick, and tired! I sleep as much as I can. I have been known to go to bed at 6 pm. Working full time, being a mother to MY children, taking Master's classes, and being in charge of domestic things is hard work! Add pregnancy to that, and you've got my chaotic life! I am trying to stay positive, but if I hear another person tell me how much they LOVED every second of being pregnant I will SCREAM or throw up on them! Dave has stepped up big time! I have not been in the kitchen for longer than a minute at a time! He cooks, cleans, does laundry, and takes care of bath time! Wow, this really sounds like I do nothing. Well, if you call carrying a child who seems to like nothing more than doing flipple's(this is what Carlee calls flips) all the while trying to do lesson plans, teach kindergarten, and take classes, nothing....then we need to talk!! I am getting better. My doc prescribed some sweet candy I wasn't aware of with my other 2....ZOFRAN!!! It has helped so much with the nausea!
I have tried several times to scan the sonogram, but it's not working! I will keep trying! But I am not sure you are missing much. A certain family member(I will protect her since she gave birth to me...oops, sorry) said it looked like a snake:)