Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bye Ba Ba!

We are "trying" to get rid of ba ba 100%! Carlee has not had a ba ba in a few days. For a while now we have only been giving it to her at night. A lot of the time she does not even drink it, she wants to hold it for security. She will be 2 on Saturday:( I can not believe that she is getting so big. She talks so much now and acts like such a big girl, that now is the perfect time to say Bye Bye! She is currently sitting beside me on the couch with her two babies. She has them covered up with little blankets! Now, Peyton just grabbed one of her babies and threw it in the air....such a big brother! She of course screamed and ran after him! She can hold her own:) Anyway, back to the reason of this post; I am sad to see the ba ba go. We are trying to get her to drink her milk in a sippy like a big girl. So far, no success! We will keep trying. I bought her two new Dora sippys! Man, are sippys expensive!!

Here are some pictures that I will hold on to:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

I received the cutest Valentine's ever from Dave! He is a mini Aussie! We have always liked Austrailian Shepherds, but didn't want a huge dog! When we saw this little guy we were so stoked! Our first day together was a little rough! He was depressed. I would be too if I had a cute little monster pulling my fur! He threw up on the ride home. No big deal, I was prepared! He didn't want to walk or play or eat! We started to get worried last night. Dave took him out and he threw up again! He came back inside and started playing! He doesn't like to potty outdoors! Go figure! He didn't want to sleep in his kennel. He whined and cried for awhile, but finally stopped after me saying Hush 45 times! You don't know how bad I wanted to put him in bed with us:) This morning he has been great! He went potty outside:) Carlee loves to tease him with his bone. Anyway....cutest puppy ever! Meet Indy....


So, he was a bit lazy and didn't want to walk! So the kids got out of the wagon and he rode in it!

Carlee wanted him to do puzzles, he just wanted his bone!

Peyton is really sweet with him. On the ride home in the car, Peyton told us to turn the music down so that Indy could rest!

The flakes on his fur should not be confused with dandriff! It actually is Churro! Carlee was eating a churro and decided to wipe her hands on Indy! He didn't care!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Funny Story

Okay, so I forgot to tell you our funny story of the week! I really should write this stuff down more often! Peyton and Carlee were up jumping on our bed while we were trying to clean up our room. I asked them to get off "MY" bed!! Peyton proceeds to tell me that it is not my bed, it's God's bed! "Everything we have belongs to God, Mommy. So I can jump on God's bed!!!" Now, what a genius! I thought for a split second to correct him, but he is right!! Everything we have does belong to God! It's hard to remember that! It took a 4 year old to remind me! Thanks Peyton!

So it did get old after he corrected me on everything tonight!!

Busy little Bees!!

Carlee needed her first pedicure! Peyton was very upset that his toes didn't get painted.

Ms. Julie brought "this" to me after lunch! One of Carlee's classmates brought cupcakes !!

One cool cat! With Spiderman sunglasses on her head!!

Thanks for checking us out!
Oh, the title....... we have been busy little bees!! Downstairs is completely painted! Peyton and I made Valentines today for his class and teachers! And I made a YUMMY roast tonight for dinner! This weekend we will tackle painting the upstairs! It is never ending!