We are "trying" to get rid of ba ba 100%! Carlee has not had a ba ba in a few days. For a while now we have only been giving it to her at night. A lot of the time she does not even drink it, she wants to hold it for security. She will be 2 on Saturday:( I can not believe that she is getting so big. She talks so much now and acts like such a big girl, that now is the perfect time to say Bye Bye! She is currently sitting beside me on the couch with her two babies. She has them covered up with little blankets! Now, Peyton just grabbed one of her babies and threw it in the air....such a big brother! She of course screamed and ran after him! She can hold her own:) Anyway, back to the reason of this post; I am sad to see the ba ba go. We are trying to get her to drink her milk in a sippy like a big girl. So far, no success! We will keep trying. I bought her two new Dora sippys! Man, are sippys expensive!!
Here are some pictures that I will hold on to: