This is my brother! I know what you are goof head! Goofy he may be, but that's my bubba. He's a lot of fun!

Friday night my cousins came over for a visit. They had a good time jumping on Grammy's bed. Do you think they let me jump? "No, she's too little" they say or..." She may get hurt!" Do they know who I am?!?!? I invented crazy stunts like that!

I had a good dinner that night. Mom gave me Chocolate pudding! Yummy! Dad said that I shouldn't feed myself pudding....too messy! I said, "Let a kid have some fun, daddy"

I had a bath shortly after.....

I just love baths! Here's me cuddling with my Daddy. I like to suck on my tags and my latest trick is putting them through my toes at the same time! This makes mommy and daddy laugh. What can I say, it soothes me!

Oh, I forgot....earlier that day Mommy found me in my room reading books. I love to read books and make animal noises. My Granny taught me how! She's a cool Granny!

I like to say cheese!

Saturday Morning, Mommy and Daddy cleaned out the garage. I found an old car seat and decided to play with the buckles. Buckles are so fun! I can entertain myself for a long time with buckles. I think Mommy and Daddy like that!

Saturday night my cousin Kenzie got to spend the night. My other cousin Kallie couldn't come. Something about not being a good girl! Kenzie said she was being punished. I don't really know what that means yet, I'll have to ask Mommy if I've ever been punished!

They wouldn't give me a turn playing that silly Spiderman game!

We got to go to church on Sunday. I got to move up to the next class. I finally got out of that baby room! BORING! Today I had Gold fish crackers at the big kids table in a big kids chair. Anyway...before we went Mommy always likes to take pictures of me. I guess I looked cute in this new dress from my Granny. My Granny has good taste. I even have a pretty bow on too. But Granny, I think I might need a yellow bow instead of the white the next time I wear this dress, ok?

Kenzie had on a cute dress too, but I am not sure what kind of smile this is?!?!?

This is my Mommy and Daddy! I guess they say I look like my Daddy. He's pretty cute!!

Here I am AGAIN....getting pretty bored with all these pictures!

I was sad here because I wanted to ride to church with my Grammy and Bap Baw; but Mommy wouldn't let me! Something about my car seat! Whatever!

I decided to throw myself onto the ground! I like to do that sometimes when I'm frustrated!

Thanks for tuning in to my week! Stay tuned until next week. I start back to school! I hear that I am moving up to the big girl class!